Amazon Warehouses: A Hotbed for Serious Injuries?

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    In this article, we’ll discuss a concerning report that uncovered Amazon’s responsibility for over 50% of severe warehouse injuries in the United States during the previous year. 

    Despite claims of prioritizing worker safety, recent data suggests that Amazon warehouse workers face more frequent and severe injuries compared to their non-Amazon counterparts.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Amazon accounted for 53% of serious warehouse injuries in 2022, according to the Strategic Organizing Center (SOC).
    • In 2022, there were 6.9 injuries for every 100 workers at Amazon.
    • The company’s serious injury rate in 2022 was 12% higher than in 2020.
    • Amazon disputes SOC’s interpretation of the data and use of “serious injury rate.”
    • Amazon has spent roughly $1 billion on improving safety between 2019 and 2022.

    Amazon’s Staggering Injury Numbers

    It’s difficult to ignore the shocking statistics that have emerged concerning Amazon’s warehouse injuries. 

    A report from the Strategic Organizing Center (SOC) has disclosed that in 2022, Amazon accounted for more than half of all serious warehouse injuries in the United States. 

    The numbers are staggering, with the company reporting a total of 38,609 recordable injuries.

    These recordable injuries are incidents requiring a worker to take time off from their regular job or seek medical treatment beyond first aid. 

    The SOC’s analysis further indicates that a whopping 95% of these injuries were classified as serious, with affected workers needing to be temporarily reassigned or given time off to recover.

    Comparing Amazon’s Injury Rates to Other Warehouses

    When examining Amazon’s injury rates in comparison to other warehouses, the numbers become even more concerning. 

    According to the SOC, Amazon had a total injury rate of 6.9 injuries per 100 workers in the year 2022.

    While this is an improvement from previous years, it still highlights that Amazon warehouse employees are suffering more frequent and severe injuries than workers in non-Amazon warehouses.

    Amazon’s serious injury rate in 2022 was 6.6 per 100 workers, which is 12% higher than the rate recorded in 2020. 

    It is also more than double the rate seen at non-Amazon warehouses. 

    These figures suggest that Amazon workers are facing higher risks in the workplace than their counterparts in other warehouses.

    Amazon’s Response to SOC’s Report

    In response to the alarming report, Amazon has disputed the Strategic Organizing Center’s interpretation of the data. 

    The company takes issue with the use of the term “serious injury rate,” arguing that it is not an official metric recognized by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

    Amazon maintains that the metric used by the SOC, known as DART or “days away, restricted, or transferred rates,” does not accurately represent serious injuries. 

    The company claims that this metric often includes relatively minor injuries. 

    Instead, Amazon suggests looking at its recordable injuries and the duration of workers’ time off to recover from workplace incidents. 

    By examining these numbers, Amazon argues that significant progress has been made in recent years.

    Kelly Natel, an Amazon spokesperson, has expressed the company’s pride in the progress made by their team. 

    Natel also stated that Amazon will continue working hard to improve workplace safety every day.

    Ongoing Investigations and Fines

    Despite Amazon’s defense of its safety record, the company continues to face scrutiny from labor advocates and regulatory bodies. 

    Federal inspectors have repeatedly fined Amazon for safety violations at several of its facilities. 

    Amazon has been accused of not reporting workplace injuries and putting their workers in danger of ergonomic hazards in six of their warehouses, according to OSHA. 

    The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is investigating multiple Amazon sites for these violations. 

    In addition, last year, the state of Washington’s Department of Labor and Industries cited Amazon’s main facility in Kent, Washington, for unsafe work practices.

    Amazon has appealed these fines and even filed a lawsuit against the Washington Department of Labor and Industries in October. 

    The company is asking a judge to set aside the orders to reduce hazards, claiming that they violate due process protections under the 14th Amendment.

    Amazon’s Efforts to Improve Workplace Safety

    In the face of mounting criticism, Amazon has made efforts to address workplace safety concerns. 

    The company has spent roughly $1 billion on improving safety between 2019 and 2022. 

    Furthermore, Amazon plans to invest an additional $550 million in safety initiatives in 2023.

    Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, has acknowledged that the company’s injury rates are sometimes misunderstood. 

    Although he admits that Amazon has room for improvement in terms of safety, the speaker acknowledges that the company is making efforts to address this issue. 

    Specifically, Amazon has set a goal to reduce its warehouse injury rate by 50% by 2025, showing its dedication to creating a safer workplace for its employees. 

    Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, has also pledged to make the company the best employer and the safest workplace on Earth. 

    As part of this effort, Amazon has introduced WorkingWell, a collection of programs aimed at preventing injuries in its warehouses. 

    These programs focus on promoting stretching, healthy eating habits, and other wellness practices among workers.

    Amazon’s WorkingWell initiative aims to identify and address potential safety hazards in its warehouses. 

    By doing so, the company hopes to reduce the risk of injuries and create a healthier work environment for its employees. 

    Additionally, Amazon has been working on developing new technology to enhance workplace safety, including robotics that can assist employees in lifting heavy objects.

    The company’s efforts to improve workplace safety have been met with mixed reactions. 

    While some view these initiatives as a step in the right direction, others argue that the measures are not enough to address the underlying issues that contribute to the high injury rates in Amazon warehouses.

    Critics claim that Amazon’s focus on productivity and stringent performance expectations can lead to workplace injuries. 

    Employees often face pressure to meet performance quotas, which may result in workers pushing themselves too hard and ultimately suffering injuries.

    Several states, including New York, Washington, and California, have passed laws targeting Amazon’s work quotas in response to these concerns.


    The Strategic Organizing Center’s report highlights the concerning injury rates among Amazon warehouse workers. 

    Although the company disputes the interpretation of the data and claims progress in worker safety, the information raises questions about Amazon’s commitment to its employees’ well-being. 

    With ongoing investigations, fines, and scrutiny from labor advocates, it is crucial that Amazon takes meaningful steps to address these issues and ensure the safety of its workforce.