5 Tips to Use Instagram Ads to Promote Your Product

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    If you are looking for a quick-fire way to promote your product over the social media platform, Instagram is probably the best place for you. The app is designed in such a way that it allows users to share photos and videos, as well as combine them into one post with what’s called an “Instagram Story”.

    Paid Social Strategy 101: Instagram Ads

    Instagram Stories are 360-degree photos or videos that are 10 seconds long, so if you’re looking for an instant promotional opportunity, if it reached the desired audience, then it will help to gain followers on Instagram. But don’t worry; we’ve got five tips here that will lead you straight towards success!

    1. Make Your Product a Visual Story:

    While you might think incorporating your product into the posts and Instagram Stories is enough, you should really think outside the box if you want to reach a larger audience. You can create a story around your product, with photos of how and why it was created. This will add another layer to your Instagram posts so that you are not simply tagging them along with the rest of your posts.

    You could even include behind-the-scenes photos of designing and producing the final product – people love getting an inside look into companies!

    2. Use a Hashtag:

    Although your product will already have its own unique hashtag, it might not be the most popular hashtag in that particular niche. You can find out what hashtags will be more attractive to your audience by simply researching similar products. For example, if you’re launching a new line of cosmetics, search for the most popular makeup hashtags on Instagram, and then search for yours.

    If there is another company that uses the same or similar hashtags as you do, you’ll be able to gain Instagram followers through commenting and liking their photos. The result: Your product will receive exposure from potentially thousands of people who are interested in becoming customers as well!

    3. Create an ‘About Us’ Story:

    One of the best ways you attain a wider reach on Instagram by creating stories that promote your product is by teaching people about it! By making a video that describes what makes your product unique, you’ll be able to connect with customers in an entirely new way. People love seeing businesses explain their products and their values, so this will make them want to learn more about you.

    Show how you’ve gone above and beyond for your customers by sharing stories that show the importance of your product. Another great way to use an Instagram Story to promote is by showing how the product was made or how it was designed in a somewhat dramatic fashion with pictures and videos.

    4. Update your Website with Ads:

    Stories are great to maintain a wider reach on Instagram, but they only stay up for a matter of hours. But suppose you want to keep your audience engaged after they’ve already visited your Instagram page.

    In that case, you can promote your product on Instagram by updating a portion of your website with ads that link directly to the Instagram post. You can also use this post to show new products in the same line of goods that you sell so that your customers can see what’s coming soon and will be more excited about ordering in the future!

    5. Use the Business Icon:

    This works the same way as you would use any other social media platform. Sign up to Instagram, and then set up an account for your business. Then, you can create a username, and start uploading posts to your own personal account right away. The main difference is that you’ll be able to pick either an individual user’s profile or a business profile and use them both on the same post!

    This strategy has proven to be highly effective because it allows you to have more than one person using the hashtag so they can promote your product while also maintaining a consistent look with their account in general. You can then select one of those users and follow them in order to stay updated with what they’re doing.


    While you can use these tips and tricks to increase your Instagram followers, it’s still important that you keep the following in mind. You can tell your audience the purpose of your account and target a specific type of customer but don’t spam, because that will be a total turnoff.

    There are way too many companies on this app to get lost in a sea of content, so make sure you’re creating unique and engaging material that will have people coming back to see what’s new.