Big Tech’s Growing Grip on AI: A Concern for the Future

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    In this article, we’ll examine the increasing control Big Tech has over the development and deployment of AI technologies and the possible implications for competition and society at large.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Big Tech is becoming more powerful due to AI advancements.
    • AI startups relying on major cloud platforms contribute to Big Tech’s bottom line.
    • AI development is foundationally reliant on resources controlled by Big Tech.
    • Researchers call for regulation and reforms to address Big Tech’s influence over AI.

    The AI Boom and Big Tech’s Dominance

    The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about countless opportunities for innovation and growth. 

    However, it has also led to an increasing concentration of power in the hands of a few dominant players, namely Big Tech companies. 

    With AI development requiring expensive and sophisticated data models, access to resources and raw computing power is essential.

    In recent years, there has been a surge in AI tools, ranging from OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT to Runway’s text to video editor. 

    While this boom has democratized access to AI technologies, it has also inadvertently strengthened the position of Big Tech companies. 

    These firms, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, provide the essential cloud infrastructure that supports most AI applications.

    As a result, even AI startups that seek to challenge the dominance of Big Tech companies end up contributing to their bottom line by relying on their cloud services. 

    This dynamic has fueled concerns that the rapid advancements in AI will only serve to entrench the power of these tech giants.

    Lopsided Competition in the AI Market

    The competition within the AI industry is not exactly a level playing field. While smaller startups and companies try to make their mark, they face the challenge of going up against Big Tech giants with access to vast resources and data. 

    Sarah Myers West, who is in charge of AI Now, a research group, has given the name “gatekeeper control” to this particular circumstance.

    Big Tech companies often have an unfair advantage, as they can use their proprietary data and resources to build new products internally. 

    For instance, Microsoft has reportedly restricted Azure cloud customers from using Bing search engine data to train their AI models. 

    Meanwhile, Microsoft and its AI partner, OpenAI, are developing new products using the very same data.

    This uneven competition highlights the need to address the power imbalance within the AI market to promote innovation and prevent monopolistic practices.

    Big Tech’s Influence on AI Narratives

    The AI Now Institute’s recent report highlights the extent to which Big Tech has shaped the narrative around AI development. 

    These companies have propagated the idea that AI requires unrestricted innovation for social good and that AI development is linked to societal progress.

    This narrative has not only been beneficial to the large tech companies but has also influenced the way policymakers think about technology. 

    Sarah Myers West highlights the importance of challenging the concentration of power in the tech industry as a crucial step towards implementing significant changes.

    Policy Recommendations to Counter Big Tech’s Power

    Addressing the increasing influence of Big Tech in AI is critical to ensuring a diverse and competitive market. 

    AI Now has put forth several policy suggestions to tackle this issue:

    1. Data Minimization: One recommendation is to promote the concept of data minimization. This approach involves allowing companies to collect only the necessary data and nothing more. By limiting the data Big Tech companies can collect, it reduces their dominance in the AI landscape.
    2. Antitrust Law Enforcement: Improved enforcement of antitrust laws and linking competition with privacy concerns could help prevent Big Tech from becoming too powerful. Stronger competition enforcement allows for a more even playing field, giving smaller companies a chance to thrive.
    3. Public and Regulatory Involvement: The future of AI should be defined by the public and regulators, not solely by the tech industry. Policymakers and the public must engage in conversations and decision-making processes to determine the direction AI development takes.

    By implementing these policy recommendations, it is possible to reduce the power imbalance within the AI market and encourage healthy competition. 

    According to Sarah Myers West, the way to achieve this is by strengthening competition enforcement. The positive news is that competition regulators are currently focused on this issue.


    The rapid rise of AI technologies presents both opportunities and challenges for society. 

    As the influence of Big Tech companies grows in tandem with AI advancements, it is crucial to address the power imbalance within the industry. 

    The current landscape, marked by lopsided competition and a narrative shaped by Big Tech, calls for immediate action and meaningful reform.

    By adopting policy recommendations such as data minimization, antitrust law enforcement, and increased public and regulatory involvement, it is possible to create a more equitable AI market that fosters innovation and competition. 

    As the development of AI continues to accelerate, it is vital to confront the concentration of power in the tech industry, ensuring that the benefits of these advancements are accessible to all and not just monopolized by a select few.