Financing for For-Profits

Sections of this topic

    Financing for For-Profits

    Applies to
    for-profits unless otherwise noted.

    For-profit entrepreneurs and managers often seek financing
    to start a new business, restructure operations or start a new
    product. Note that an entrepreneur will very likely need a

    business plan in order to secure financing.
    Developing a business plan holds many more advantages than just
    applying for funding.

    Sections of This Topic Include

    Financing Your Business
    General Advice and Overviews of Sources
    How Much Do You Need?
    Your Own (or Your Family’s or Friends’) Money
    Seller Financing
    Banks and Finance Companies
    State Agencies
    SBA-Backed Loans
    Venture Capitalists
    Selling Stock — Going Public
    Resources for Assistance

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    Business Planning Blog

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    Financing Your Business

    © Copyright Tove Rasmussen

    I just spoke with a bank manager yesterday about how his clients do not have
    well thought out plans for starting a business or expanding a business. So,
    I thought I’d help you out here.

    Standard Questions a Bank Will Ask – a Business Plan

    1. Do you have experience in the industry?
    2. Does your plan make sense?
    3. Is there a market need?
    4. Can you make money?
    5. Does your pricing make sense?
    6. What are the risks?

    You need to have your bases covered on these questions before talking with
    the bank.

    Then, the bank will ask for a business

    For a new business, the bar is high. You are trying to prove a need without
    the sales to show you have a salable product or service.

    For an expansion, you must have already demonstrated the value of your product.
    However, the bank will still require a well thought out plan that it believes
    you can and will implement.

    Prepare for the Business Plan with Research

    To prepare for the business plan research the government requirements, effect
    of the economic cycle (especially being in a downturn now), social and technological
    trends. Understand these issues thoroughly and how they will affect your business.

    Then look at your possible competitors. This includes substitutes for your
    product, the ease of entering the market, the bargaining power of suppliers
    and of buyers. Take a look on the web and talk to industry participants.

    Summarize the Business Plan with Opportunities and Threats, Strengths and

    Spend some time understanding your market needs and buying behavior (Refer
    to What DOES Your Target Market Want? below). The results will provide you with
    the information you need to determine your competitive advantage and/or the
    reason your expansion will be successful.

    Follow the research up by understanding the value of your product or service
    to your customers in dollars and cents, particularly versus your competition.
    Ensure you have your product or service, pricing, promotion and delivery of
    your service figured out.

    Then thoroughly consider your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Try
    to get an outside view from customers. A simple but carefully considered survey
    can help here. The wording will be crucial to obtaining useful information.
    Take a look at the Net Promoter(R) Score literature to see if this is the approach
    you want to use (

    Armed with this information, you will be ready to prepare your business plan.
    I will cover this in the next blog. Feel free to let me know any specific issues
    you have so I can be sure to address them.

    Putting Your Business Plan Together

    The bank wants a business plan. You have collected all the information on the
    external environment, company strengths and weaknesses. You thoroughly understand
    the market and financial rationale for starting or expanding your business.

    Now it’s time to put the plan together. Typically the business plan will
    start with a one page executive summary. It will include the compelling reasons
    for the expansion, including the customers you have in place. For a start up,
    the executive summary will highlight the advantage of your business over the
    existing competitors out there.

    Then you move into the details. A business plan typically starts with the marketing
    plan, the reason for the business’s existence. It will include your target
    market and how attractive it is to be in that market. Include market growth,
    trends, size, etc. Demonstrate a clear understanding of market needs, backed
    by objective data where possible.

    Detailing your competitive advantage is key. Here it is critical to provide
    information on your competitors in order for readers to objectively evaluate
    the power of your business’s advantage.

    Translate the competitive advantage into a value proposition. How valuable
    is your advantage to your customers? This information will feed into your business
    model ie, how you plan to make money.

    Wind this all up with your promotional plan: how you plan to position your
    product or service in the market; product features; the pricing level, especially
    versus the competition; the promotional plan for getting your message to the
    market, including direct sales; and how you plan to deliver your product to
    the market.

    Operations is the next key piece of the business plan. This is the opportunity
    to explain in detail how the product will be manufactured or the service delivered.
    It is important to outline the rationale for the key expenses and investments
    needed, as this will provide the information to support the numbers in the upcoming
    financial plan.

    Ensure the competitive advantage is delivered by the operations, if that is
    your source of advantage. The more proof there is to demonstrate the advantage
    will be delivered to the market, the more credible the plan is to the bank —
    and verified for your own peace of mind.

    The next sections of the business plan will include the other key functions
    of your business. This will vary according to the business. Possibilities include
    Regulatory, Research and Development, and Information Technology. Again, explain
    the expenses, investments and how these departments deliver on your competitive

    Finally, crucial to your business plan are the financials. These will include
    your pro forma (projected) income statements with your revenues and expenses.
    It will also include your pro forma balance sheet, with the impact of the profit
    or loss on your assets, debt and equity. The assumptions need to be clear. It
    is a good idea to have an accountant review these numbers, if not help you put
    them together.

    For the variables that present the most risk, it is a good idea to include
    a best case, worst case and most likely case. This will show the impact of shifts
    on the financials, which clarifies the variables to most closely monitor. An
    accountant can also assist with the sensitivities.

    Following the above steps will yield a solid business plan for the bank, and
    for your own management of the company. Here’s wishing you the best of
    luck with your new business, or expansion.

    General Advice and Overviews of Sources

    Small Business
    Financing: The Definitive Guide
    7 Sources of Financing
    How to Raise Money for Starting a Business

    A Hitchhiker’s
    Guide to Capital Resources

    overload: 5 red flags

    Business startup costs – the types of startup costs businesses
    face and need to account for when developing their business plans.

    From Bootstrap to Venture: The Money Behind Startups
    How to Raise Start-up Capital in 2011
    How to
    Win Over Investors in Three Minutes or Less

    Types of Equity Financing for Small Businesses
    The Five
    Things You Must Do Before Approaching Any Investor

    Five Common
    Startup Money Mistakes

    Not to Look for Money — And Where You’re More Likely to Find It

    Gets Crowdfunding (finally)

    Also see the topic Getting
    a Business Loan

    How Much Do You Need?

    Evaluating Start-Up Costs
    Determining Your Financial Requirements
    The Three Primary Types of Financial Capital
    Weeks to Startup: Day 3 Calculating Startup Costs

    Your Own (or Your Family’s and Friends’) Money

    Accepting Money From Friends & Family
    Borrowing Money from Friends and Family
    Send Money from Crowdsourcing
    Advantages and disadvantages of using your own money to start a business

    Seller Financing

    Seller Financing Basics
    Basics of Seller Financing
    Seller Financing: It Makes Dollars and Sense


    Startup Capital

    Business Startup Angel Financing
    Business Angel Financing
    Case Study: An Angel Investor with an Agenda
    Who are Angel Investors and What is Angel Investor

    How to Find an Angel Investor
    Financing Fantasy #1: Angel Investors

    Banks and Finance Companies

    (includes reference to getting loans)
    (NOTE: Asset-based loans are backed by the buyer’s assets , for
    example, buildings, accounts receivable, inventory, etc. Lines
    of Credit are amounts of money the bank sets aside for the buyer
    to borrow from.)
    — Getting (covers most aspects of getting a loan from a bank)

    Types of Business Loans
    5 Tips for Using Collateral to Secure a Small
    Business Loan

    What to Do When Your Small Business Loan Application
    Gets Stalled at the Bank

    to Approach Lenders Now

    State Agencies

    (include reference to getting loans)
    of economic development

    Small Business Grants
    Top Ten States For Small Business Loans And How You Can Get Them

    SBA-Backed Loans

    Small Business Administration – Loans Explained

    Venture Capitalists

    10 Tips for Finding Venture Funding
    National Capital
    Venture Association

    on venture capital

    Capital Venture Institute
    8 Cool Companies Who Just Raised Venture Capital
    to Find the Right Investor for Your Business

    Financing Fantasy #2: Venture Capital

    Selling Stock — “Going Public”

    (This scenario is almost impossible in a small business that
    is just starting out.)

    Resources for Assistance

    Sources of Small Business Financing
    7 sources of start-up financing
    Equity Funding
    see “Megalist for Resources”

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